Zircon (Jarkan in Hindi) is a semi precious gemstone which is colorless or blue colored.
Zircon is a lucky Gemstone for sunsign Libra (23 Sep – 22 Oct). In Indian Astrology, Jarkan gemstone strengthens Venus (Shukra) and is the upratna for Libra (Tula) and Taurus (Vrish). Zircon gemstone gives its wearer mental peace, confidence, a good attitude, and marital bliss and health benefits. Ascendants of Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius and Capricorn can also wear a Zircon gemstone.
- Medically, Zircon is said to help keep Hormonal balance’ right and protects from hormonal imbalance related ailments.
- It is said that Zircon benefits the Urinary and Reproductive system.
- Jarkan gemstone builds the confidence of its wearer. People who wear a zircon feel more confident, charming and sure of themselves. It also helps in improving the social life of its wearer.

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