Yellow Topaz (also known as Imperial Topaz) is an Astrological substitute for Yellow Sapphire. It has many astrological benefits.
  • Yellow Topaz is beneficial for those born under the Sagittarius and Pisces Zodiac Signs.
  • Yellow Topaz can be worn by those who are ruled by Jupiter.
  • Yellow Topaz can also be worn by those who are looking for abundance and prosperity and/or spiritual understanding.
  • Wearing a yellow topaz will benefit the health of the stomach area. It is said to be an effective healing gemstone within this chakra and is excellent for liver, kidney and bladder problems or imbalances.
  • Also, those who suffer from asthma and other throat related issues may benefit from its energy.
  • Golden Yellow Topaz aids in boosting your faith, and bring helpful people to your side to help you to achieve your intentions.
  • Wearing a Yellow Topaz brings joy and peace and helps in developing healthy friendships
  • It is also useful for those suffering from diabetes
Yellow Topaz

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Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

July 1, 2023|Comments Off on Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

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