Tiger’s Eye is a lower order Astrological substitute for Ruby. It is also a healing gemstone that has optical reflectance effect. Tiger’s eye is also widely used as a jewelry stone. It is usually available in shades of dark yellow.  Tiger’s Eye can be worn by those whose influencing planet is sun.

Tiger’s Eye is usually found in metamorphic rocks, and is a derivative of silica (silicon dioxide) crystals. The gemstones can be red, or dark yellow, depending on their source and the way they have been cut.

Tiger’s Eye is very famously found in South Africa and East Asia. Tiger’s eye gemstone is extensively found in East Asia – India, Burma and Korea – Australia, Brazil and parts of Africa including Namibia.

  • This Gemstone, when worn in contact with the skin, helps in uplifting one to a joyous mood and raises the importance of peace within.
  • Tiger’s eye also improves the wearer’s health.
  • It promotes courage and self-integration.
  • Tiger’s eye gemstone helps heal skin disorders and bone tissue wounds
Tiger's Eye

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Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

July 1, 2023|Comments Off on Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

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