Star Ruby (also known as Surya Kant Manik) is a type of Ruby that displays asterism and is a popular jewelry gemstone that also has healing powers. Star Ruby helps in removing stress related problems and provides internal strength.

Due to the presence of some inclusions in the body of a Ruby, the categorization of this gemstone changes from a Ruby and is known by the name of Star Ruby.

  • Star Ruby can be worn by those who are ruled by Sun.
  • Star Ruby can also be worn by those who are looking for abundance and prosperity and/or spiritual understanding.
  • Star Ruby has the capability to protect its wearer from numerous upcoming dangers that are supposed to cause harm like the evil eye, misfortunes, accidents, envy, negative energies and getting jinxed.
  • Star Ruby helps in curing sleeping disorders, amnesia, hysteria, stress, depression and migraine.
Star Ruby

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Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

July 1, 2023|Comments Off on Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

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