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Shani Sadesati Report File

 499.00 599.00

5 in stock

Sadesati is the 7.5 years long transit of Saturn through the 12th house to the 2nd house during which time Saturn may give an unusual amount of stress to the person.

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Shani Sadesati Report File

Sadesati is the 7.5 years long transit of Saturn through the 12th house to the 2nd house during which time Saturn may give an unusual amount of stress to the person.

It is said that a benefic Saturn in your birth chart can favor you with astonishing results in life but a malefic Saturn in wrong house can affect the life for worse. Saturn is most powerful planet according to the rules of vedic astrology. The position and house placements of Saturn play important role during the period of sade sati. The effects of sade sati are said to be very impactful during this time of life. The major sade sati affects are called as shani sade sati and shani dhaiya. People are fearful of this period of their life because this is time when they ought to face several challenges.

Saturn may put you under financial and personal stress, create frequent obstacles and stop you from achieving success easily. Saturn will challenge you and if you do not rise up to the challenge then you may face failure.

This report gives you a detailed overview of your Sadesati, giving you the complete idea and analysis of the impact of Sadesati on you.

Report Available in Languages : English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Bengali, Spanish, Punjabi, Tamil, Malayalam, Oriya, Nepali, Sinhala

Shani Sade Sati Report include

  • Panchang of Birthday

  • Avakahada Chakra

  • Planetary Degrees

  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Sarvashtakvarga Chart, Dasamamsa Chart

  • Vimshottari dasha

  • Yogini Dasha

  • Sade-Sati Consideration

  • Remedies of Sade-Sati

Additional information


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Hindi, Bengali, Nepali, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Spanish, Punjabi, Tamil, Malayalam, Oriya, Sinhala


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