Milan Phal Report File

 699.00 799.00

5 in stock

Matching the horoscopes before marriage holds great importance in Vedic Astrology. Matching horoscope takes the concept of natal astrology and applies it to interpersonal relationships between two individuals, usually by comparing their birth charts to one another.

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Milan Phal Report File
Matching the horoscopes before marriage holds great importance in Vedic Astrology. Matching horoscope takes the concept of natal astrology and applies it to interpersonal relationships between two individuals, usually by comparing their birth charts to one another. The purpose of this type of consultation is to determine the areas of compatibility and incompatibility in a relationship, as well as information about the timing of important events in the future of the relationship. It’s impossible to know the true substance and nature of an individual before tying the knot, but with Milan Phal Report it becomes easy to analyse and predict the future of both the natives and predict how their union would be for themselves and their Kith and kin.

Charts & Calculations

  • Avakhada

  • Varan, Vashya, Yoni, Gana, Nadi, Varga

  • Planetary Degree and Current Vimsottari Dasa

  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart – Basic important charts of both to get an idea about the strength of horoscopes.

  • Ashtakoot Guna Chart

  • Manglik Dosh Compatibility


  • Ashtakoot Guna Chart Conclusion

  • Manglik Dosh Compatibility Conclusion

  • Matching Predictions related to nature, finance, health, and children & in-laws

  • Personality Analysis for both

Additional information


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Hindi, Bengali, Nepali, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Spanish, Punjabi, Tamil, Malayalam, Oriya, Sinhala


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