Lapis Lazuli is a semiprecious gemstone which has been famous among us humans since ancient times. It is a deep blue colored opque gemstone with beautiful internal flecks of golden or brown color. It is a symbolic gemstone of wisdom and truth. It sourced majorly from Afghanistan but is also found in the USA and Soviet Russia.

Lapis Lazuli is associated with the zodiac of Sagittarius and is under the lordship of Saturn and is the birthstone for the month of February.

  • Medically, Lapis Lazuli is said to be highly beneficial to the throat, larynx and vocal chords. It is also said to help in regulating the endocrine and thyroid glands and is also considered beneficial for treatments of autism and attention deficit disorder.
  • Lapis Lazuli Gemstones are extremely beneficial for executives, journalists and psychologists.
  • The quality of Lapis Lazuli depends upon its Cut, Clarity and Color.
  • Lapis Lazuli gemstones should display beautiful and intense deep blue color with golden or brownish internal flecks.
  • For Astrological purpose, quality depends mainly on the color play of Lapis Lazuli gemstones.
  • The cut or facets of Lapis Lazuli only have ornamental significance and not astrological.
Lapis Lazuli

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Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

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