Lal Kitab Reports

Well, in the most literal sense, Lal Kitab means Red Book. However, in astrology there is a unique branch that goes by the name of Lal Kitab that functions in a different way than the traditional Vedic astrology. Its broad elements are similar as traditional Vedic astrology but some interesting and surprisingly result oriented features of Lal Kitab, makes it garner a special place in astrology for itself.

Lal Kitab

Sample Report: EnglishHindiBengali
Also in: Gujrati, Marathi, Telegu, Punjabi, Nepali

900 499

Lal Kitab Ratna

Sample Report: EnglishHindiBengali
Also in: Gujrati, Marathi, Telegu, Punjabi, Nepali

1300 699

Lal Kitab Pearl

Sample Report: EnglishHindiBengali
Also in: Gujrati, Marathi, Telegu, Punjabi, Nepali

1500 999