Precious Gemstones

Dharan Mantra for wearing Hessonite ( गोमेद ) Gemstone

The mantra associated with wearing a Hessonite (Gomed) gemstone can vary based on different beliefs and practices. However, a commonly used mantra is the following: "ॐ रां [...]

2023-08-28T09:56:25+00:00July 4, 2023|Hessonite, Precious Gemstones|

Process of wearing a Hessonite ( गोमेद ) Gemstone

Unraveling the Mystical Process of Wearing a Hessonite (गोमेद) Gemstone Hessonite, the captivating reddish-brown gemstone, is revered for its mystical properties and astrological significance. Known as the [...]

2023-08-28T09:55:51+00:00July 3, 2023|Hessonite, Precious Gemstones|

Which Finger should I wear Hessonite ( गोमेद ) Gemstone

Wearing gemstones, including Hessonite (Gomed), on specific fingers is a practice rooted in Vedic astrology and traditional beliefs. Each finger is associated with a particular planet, and [...]

2023-08-28T11:49:24+00:00July 3, 2023|Hessonite, Precious Gemstones|

Gemstones FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

मानव जीवन पर ग्रहों का अत्यधिक प्रभाव पड़ता है I ग्रहों में व्यक्ति के सृजन एवं संहार की जितनी प्रबल शक्ति होती है उतनी ही शक्ति रत्नों [...]

Gemstones FAQ – সর্বদা জিজ্ঞাসা করা কিছু প্রশ্ন

সিতারে জুয়েলস শোরুমে আপনাকে স্বাগত I গ্রহরত্ন ধারণ করা এক বৈজ্ঞানিক রোগনিবারণ পদ্ধতি, যাকে আমরা কালার থেরাপিও (colour therapy) বলে থাকি I মাঝে মাঝে আমরা চমৎকারিক ফলপ্রাপ্তির [...]

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